PhotoAlbum-Class of 64 High School Pics
1960 Our Freshman Float - Oops!
1961 No, your eyes aren't blurry. That's John "The Blur" Poser.
1961-Susan Daley and Jackie Newman
1961 B Team Cheerleaders: Pat, Nadine, Nancy, Jackie
1961 Remember the programs?
1961-1962 Go Sophomores! Pat, Nancy, Nadine, Sharon & Jackie
1962 What rebels we were in the 60s?
1962 Nadine's 16th birthday party
1962 Our Junior Float - Better!
1962 Romance is a Racket
1962 Nadine, Judy, Deanne, Margie, Linda, Judy
1962-1963 The Caliente Trio Todd, Mike and Doug
1962-1963 Varsity cheerleaders: Gail Duffy, Jackie, Sharon, Nadine, Pat, Nancy
1963 Varsity Team - Christians, Witthuhn Poser, Tom Miller, Woodward, Hoehne, Gerald Schoenwetter, Jim Fritchen, Tom Platz, John Schettler, Roger Weidemann Sydow, Don Lange, Jim Farrell
1963 Basketball Banquet: Fred, Nadine, Gail Duffy, Jackie Right: Dick, Pat
1963 Senior Ball: Fred & Nadine and Sharon & Dick Powers (Mr. & Mrs. Powers for years!!) Dig those ugly white gloves!!
1963 The answer to the gas crisis? (How prophetic Doug and Jackie.)
1963 Jr. Prom Court: Linda & Mike, Deanne & Darriel, Susan & Larry, Judy & Bernie, Bonnie & John
1963 Junior Prom Court Newspaper Clipping
1963 Junior Prom Crowning
1963 Junior Prom: Florence, Sharon & Dick
Junior Prom 1963
1963 National Honor Society Induction Seated: Abrams, Premo, Pritchard, Witthuhn, Wilson, Gokey Standing: Callahan, Cox, Murray, Heisig Lobeck, Osieka, Sharpee, Hasey, Lewke Duffy, Miller
1963 Homecoming Court: John & Bonnie, Nadine & Mike, Les & Arlene, Bob & Nancy, John & Pat, Bob & Sue
1963 Homecoming
1963 Homecoming Queens
1963 Homecoming Parade
1963 Homecoming Float
1964 Senior Ball Court: Dave & Nancy, Jackie & Doug, Nadine & Fred, Semra & Jan, Pat & Bob
1964 Sr. Ball
1964 Senior Ball: Jan & Semra
1964 Senior Ball: Carol & Dave, Nadine & Fred, Inez & Frank
1964 Senior Ball: Semra & Inez
1964 Senior Ball: Jackie & Doug, Semra & Jan, Pat & Bob
1964 Poem written by Bill Daley
1964 Charlie Cardinal That can't be a cigarette in Mr. Shaw's hand in the hallowed halls of CHS!!! (No, on closer examination it is a BIC thin stick.)
1964 Basketball
1964 Graduation Party the blond, the brunette and the red head
(Click on an image to view at full size.)