Fire in the litter bag

Who says cheerleaders are not the brightest bulbs??  I heard of some 1963 era CHS cheerleaders who went for a night cruise in a big Buick out on Hoehne Road (or whichever one is the first right turn after St. Jerome's).  Some "inexperienced smoker" who shall remain nameless, dropped a cigarette into the litter bag in the back seat and with a whoosh of flames the bag disintegrated and the seat back started to smolder.  Fortunately, our cheerleaders were resourceful and after much screaming and giggling they got the litter bag out of the car and put out the smoldering seat back.

Secret Agent Man

Ok, there is this guy who actually had his own car in high school. It made him a very popular person to hang around with (besides the fact that he was really nice). So one day he takes a girl to his car to discuss why she broke up with her boyfriend, and lo! and behold!, the boyfriend is hiding in the back under a blanket, listening to everything. This classmate did not grow up to be a secret agent man because the boyfriend in the back of the car moved and the girl heard him and lifted the blanket up!! I think our secret agent man turned out to be a high-school teacher - serves him right!!

Nadine Gall
Senior Faculty Basketball Game

Does anyone remember the Senior – Faculty basketball game.  We beat the faculty that year.  Maybe nobody but me cares.  I remember because it was the pinnacle of by basketball career.  It was the only game of my basketball career.  I came from a one room rural school that did not even have a basketball hoop.  I practiced with the hoop we put in the barn.  I had a pretty good set shot, but no basketball skills and it was twelve miles to town before and after practice.  I was relegated to intramurals.  I did sign up for the game and did go to practices.  When I got in the game, I just passed the ball around to someone to shoot.  One time I got the ball and nobody came out to the top of the key to guard me.  They just thought I was going to pass.  I decided to shoot and it went swish (my first career points).  My brother went wild in the stands, yelling that is my brother.  Needless to say, the next time I got the ball, they did guard me.  I was able to get a couple more points on rebounds, but I did score.  I will never forget that feeling as long as I live.  No one else probably remembers, but me, Alan Sharpee.

Alan Sharpee
Sorry Dennis

Of course during our high school days we weren't always angelic guys and gals. On occasion some of us would get access to some beer ,get in someones car and drive around drinking and partying. Well,not yet being hardy drinkers a little too much beer could cause a person to upchuck. No problem, just roll down the window and hurl away. Unfortunately, the back windows in Dennis Christian's car only went down a wee bit, not big enough to get a head out. So you know what happened on the inside of the car. SORRY DENNIS.

Larry Skalitzky