Photo Album - Kindergarten to 8th Grade
Mrs. Mulvaney's 3rd grade class on a field trip to Columbus Journal Republican
Mrs. Field's 3rd grade class on a field trip to Columbus Journal Republican
1956 Mr. Talledge's 5th grade class
8th grade safety patrol - remember the trip to Wisconsin Dells???
1950 Kindergarten Class.....
1951 Kindergarten Class.....
1952 Pat's 6th birthday, Gall, Sramek
1952 Schmeid, Schilling?, Wolfgram, Sramek, Dunning, Poser, ??, Jones, ??, Hasenfuss, Brumm, Wilson, Ballweg
1954 Nadine's 8th Bday, Dunning, Zunker, Schmeid, Wagner (Yvonne Weber, Kathy Schultz, Kim & Maggie Flanagan, Donny Ballweg)
1954 Gall & Brumm
1957 Sramek, Larson, Wolfgram, Wilson, Anderson, Schilling, Abrams, Gall
1958 Schilling & Dunning in Elba
1958 Kitty Colotti behind the Town Tap
1958 Gall in the park (remember the big wheels?)
1959 8th Grade Play
1958 7th Grade Class Picture
1959 Brace & Schilling
1959 Cripps & Hein
1960 Gall, Poser Wisconsin Dells Safety Patrol Trip
1960 Bus trip to Wisconsin Dells
1960 Gall, Breyer & Josephine Wisconsin Dells
1960 Plzak, Premo, Schmeid "Tom Sawyer Cast"
1960 Tom Sawyer-Jackie Abrams, Norma McNulty (director), Jill Abrams
1960-the entire cast of Tom Sawyer
1960 Skalitzky & Gall
1960 Larson & Gall (Chicago Class Trip)
1960 Dunning Confirmation
Linda and Faye Venden at 8th grade graduation. Jackie Abrams in back right.
8th grade graduation-Zunker, Sramek, Gall, Yvonne Gall, Marks, Meme, Daley's back
8th grade graduation-Dick Schmied and Doug Plzak
8th grade graduation-Junior High teachers: Piekarski, Kaboski, Carpenter (scarey woman) and Gomoll
1959-1st Row: Cripps, Brace, Gross-2nd Row: anonymous appendage, Benisch, Reynen, Plantenberg, Daley, Abrams, Breyer, Marks-3rd Row: 1/2 Tomczyck, Schey, Schmied, Plzak, Murray, Parpart, Anderson, Lins
1959-Starker in the background?, McKay, Wilson, Venden, Reynen, Marks, Anderson, Plantenberg, Breyer
1959-Tomczyck, Mason (tongue), Schroeder, Murray, Sheard, Hageman, Parpart
1956 maybe- church camp thing-Charlie Wilson, Jan Premo, Jill Abrams, Nancy Wilson, Jackie Abrams, Sue Sramek, Barb Lange, Bonnie Wilson, unknown woman
1956 maybe-church camp thing-unknown woman, Mrs. Sramek, Mrs. Wilson, Nancy Wilson, unknown woman, Sue Sramek, Jackie Abrams, Barb Lange
6th grade at moldy old Mill Street School-look at the effect those "50 yard slips" and the saddle shoes and loafers. Known people are Anderson, Dunning, Daley (hidden), Brumm, Plantenberg, Abrams, Fish?, Schmied
Abrams in Junior High Band-I never did learn how to play that clarinet!
1959-1960 Mr. Piekarski's 8th grade homeroom
Ms. Lidtke's 1st Grade/Fuller Street School
Ms. Lowth's 6th Grade class/Mill Street School
Ms. Orrick and Ms. Dillings Kindergarten class
Class roster of preceding photo.
Ms. McGoff 2nd Grade
Mrs. Field's 3rd Grade class
Ms. Schmidt's 4th Grade class
Mr. Dorris and Ms. Lewis 7th Grade
(Click on an image to view at full size.)