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McFarland, WI
Semra was visited by Debbie Holtz in 1969 when she was still living in Instanbl. Semra's whereabouts are unknown since 1970. She was married and living in Turkey at that time.

If anyone comes across any information, please use the contact page to email … more »
Dates Unknown

Bill may have passed away between 1994 and 1999. If you have a copy of the obituary, please use the Contact Us link.
Columbus, WI
View profile »Nadine Hoehne (Gall)
Oakwood, OH
With my grand-daughter Marissa at the Dole plantation eating pineapple ice cream. My mother's 80th birthday was celebrated in Hawaii. We lost her 19 months later. What blessed memories. I also have 2 grand-children in Wisconsin: Jessica Nadine (no pride in… more »
Columbus, WI
Going to be nice too see all that come to the reunion.

Since the last time we met I have retired after 34 yrs with a local printing company. So what did I do after retirement? Well I coached summer baseball in Fall River with my grandsons. I have 4 gran… more »
View profile »Beatsie Dunning (Geiger)
Columbus, WI