ClassQUEST | Class Reunions

Build a free, customized website

Having a website to connect your classmates and tell them about upcoming events is the first step to a successful reunion!

Have you entered your details? If not, click on the Sign Up link and join today! If you are not a member of this class but would like to stay informed about our reunion, please sign the guestbook by clicking the link to your left.

We hope that you'll participate in all the events planned for the reunion weekend (check out the Events page for more information. Your classmates are looking forward to catching up with you!

We are looking forward to seeing you all at the reunion!

Try it for your class!

With our easy-to-use design wizard, you can pick a template, quickly tailor it to your school, and have a website ready to go in minutes.

Enter your Class Info:
Choose a template from
the slider below.
Choose a color:
Like what you see?

Begin your free QUEST!

View all of our templates

...Or, view a Sample Site

No Skills Required

You can create a website in just minutes with no special skills required, no cost, and no commitments. So the best thing to do is to just go ahead and get started so that you can see all of what's possible.

Preloaded Basic Website

ClassQUEST websites come preloaded with a welcome message and all the pages you need to start connecting classmates and selling tickets.

Don't have plans/dates yet?

That’s ok! ClassQUEST is the perfect way to start gathering classmate information, get classmates connected, and prepare for the big event. Updates can be made as the details and plans come together!

All the tools you need... Free!

ClassQUEST offers an array of tools to make your planning job simpler, and we’ll make
you look like a hero to your committee and classmates at the big event!

Sell Tickets & More

Easy shopping cart setup allows you to sell tickets, merchandise, memorabilia, accept donations, create a fund... Secure online payments with most major credit cards.

RSVP Management

Send and accept online RSVPs to events, including secure online payment using Most Major Credit Cards.

Gather Contact Info

Gather, store, and manage contact info, such as full name (including married names), addresses, phone numbers, emails, and more. Stored securely, and kept private, of course.

Blast Emails to All Classmates

Broadcast email to all classmates simultaneously. Classmates can also keep in touch with each other through the site (unlimited emails).

Unlimited Photos & Albums

Classmates can share stories old and new, upload photos.... Even create a Memory Book of new memories shared at the reunion.

Collect Donations

Collect donations to use for classmates who are unable to purchase their own tickets, or to help fund additional reunion expenses.

Message Boards

Share updates, stories, ask questions... Get the reunion conversation started!

Unlimited Questionnaires

Create a survey/questionnaire for your classmates to to fill out to help you find out more about your old friends or to add to a memory book.

Multiple Administrators

You may add as many administrators to the site as you would like to assist you in your planning.

Closed or Open Communities

Make your site completely private or public. You control what your class wishes to share, and we respect that.

"Where are they now?"

Show your class how far people have scattered over the years by displaying a google map with push pins for each classmate's current location.

Memorial Pages

Pay respect and tribute to classmates who have passed on.

Create Story Boards

Allow classmates to post blog-style stories to share with the class, complete with an image for each.

Plan Any Kind of Event!

Use ClassQUEST's services to plan Corporate Events, College Reunions, Family Reunion, Military Reunions, Church Events, Charities... Whatever you can think of.

Premium Subscription Features

...Or upgrade to Premium Membership and enjoy these featured tools and services.

Preloaded Profiles
& Yearbook Photos

Spark instant nostalgia when classmates arrive at the site! You provide Classmate info and photos and we'll preload them for you. Better yet, use our Classmate Locator Service and we'll upload the results to the site.

Upload Music

Upload any kind of music, such as your alma mater fight song, you graduation theme song, or a song from "your classes era" to your website.

Larger Photos

When you upgrade to Premium, you will have more flexibility on how photos are displayed. Display photos at 600 pixels wide...the maximum size allowed while still fitting on the web page!

Print or Burn Discs
of Your Memory Book

Create a custom memory book or directory using content gathered though the website from classmate profiles, surveys, photo albums, etc. Print it, burn it, or post in online.

Print Name Tags

Print name tags right from your website onto any size name tag or label available at your office supply store. Customize each one with yearbook photos...or use another image (such as a mascot).

Advertisement Free

ClassQUEST currently does not post any advertisement on any site. But with a Premium Subscription, you can be assured that there never will be.

After creating your custom website, upgrade to a premium subscription by following these simple steps:
  1. Login to using the administrator login that you receive when you create your website.
  2. Click the Upgrade button that appears on your aministrator home page.

Custom URLs

Choose a Memorable Website Address!

Visitors will have a much easier time finding and returning to your website if you choose a web address that makes sense. You might try your school name or mascot, like these:



All sites come with a free domain, such as "www.(yourschool)" A custom "vanity" domains can be purchased separately for $15.95 per year.

Additional Services

Free Alumni
Association Websites

Build a free Alumni Association website and invite all classes from your school to be listed on it.

Contact us for more info

Locate Classmates

We’ll locate all your missing Classmates at once and return their contact information to you with updated addresses and phone numbers.

Learn More

Reunion Cruises

Whether you’re booking for 10 or 500, we can accommodate your Reunion Cruise needs. Additional options and activities for maximum fun.

Contact us for more info

Use ClassQuest for any event!

ClassQUEST’s free websites and tools make your planning job simpler for any event or planned occasion. Sell or plan anything... Whatever you can think of!

Family Reunions

Military Reunions

Corporate Events

Church Events

Collect for Charities

Wedding Planning

Why is ClassQUEST free?

Other sites charge a fee to use even their basic services. We think there’s a better way.

We offer two different levels of subscription - the "Basic Subscription" (which is free)

and the optional, upgraded "Premium Subscription."

Secured by a SSL encyption
100% SAFE
Secure Sales
Your site will accept
All Major Credit Cards
Major Credit Cards Accepted

Basic Subscription


We do not charge planners a fee to use our tools and services. However, we do have to keep the lights on, so we require subscribers who are planning an upcoming event to sell their tickets online (at least 3 months in advance of your event) using our secure online credit card processing system.

A 6% servicing fee is added to the purchaser's subtotal at the point of checkout. So, for example, a classmate goes to purchase a ticket for their reunion. Here is what they would see when checking out:

Ticket Price Calculator

Try It!
Enter amount to collect per ticket:
Main Event Ticket $50
Subtotal $50
*Processing Fee $3
Total $53
Safe Shopping
Add to total Build into price

How do I receive money collected?

We forward your payments to you twice per month in the form of a check - sooner if needed.
Our Premium Subscription offers even more options.

Premium Subscription

$120 per year   That's only $10 a month!
(Subscribe longer and save)

Alternatively, you may upgrade your site to our Premium Subscription for only $120 per year (That's just $10 a month!). As a Premium member, you are not required sell anything using our credit card processing service (although you still may if you'd like*) and have more choices such as using PayPal®.


*If you should decide to continue collecting payments using our credit card processing system, only credit card payments will still be subject to the 6% processing fee.

Why upgrade to Premium?

Compare Subscriptions



Build Free, Full-Featured Websites
Sell Tickets and Merchandise Online
Email & RSVP Management
Unlimited Messages and Photos
Classmate Profiles
Upload Music to the Site
Print Name Tags
Print a Custom Memory Book
We'll Upload Classmate Profiles for You
We'll Upload Yearbook Photos for You

Why ClassQUEST?

Started in 1999, ClassQUEST has been helping people plan reunions online for....

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See what others are doing to plan their reunion.

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Frequently Asked Questions

View some questions that may help you to understand more about our services.

Still have questions?

Call us toll-free: 1 (800) 965-9020 M-F 9a-5p EST

or email us at