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Frequently asked questions

What does it cost to purchase my class reunion website?
Are there restrictions on the number of pages, amount of storage, or the number of hits?
Do you charge any fees at all?

Yes. When visitors use the secure online checkout for to pay for class reunion events or class reunion merchandise then a ("Credit Card Convenience") processing fee of 6% (minimum $3) applies to each transaction. You can include this in the prices you set for tickets and merchandise, or we can add it to the visitor's total — your choice.

Optional Items - You may also purchase a custom domain name or a Premium subscription, both of which are optional but require additional payments (see below for more details).

How do funds get transferred back to me?
When your classmates make online purchases, their credit cards are billed by ClassQUEST on your behalf. ClassQUEST then sends you twice-monthly checks for all purchases made on your class reunion website, minus the 6% ($3 minimum) per transaction processing fee.

Should you need the last of your funds to be rushed to you just before the event, you may contact us and request that we send your final payment to you outside the normal payment schedule.


Due Diligence - As a security measure for your classmates who are paying online using ClassQUEST's secure online credit card processing system, ClassQUEST reserves the right to withhold the first $500 of online payments as a security deposit until the legitimacy of a committee and its intent to hold a reunion event can be confirmed. Read More »

Can I instead have visitors pay directly into the organizing committee's PayPal account?
Yes. You do not have to use our credit card processing system, but can instead have your classmates make payments directly into your PayPal account. In this case, you do not pay the ClassQUEST processing fee. (However, you may incur PayPal fees.) In order to do this you must purchase a Premium site and register your PayPal credentials with ClassQUEST. There is a $120 per year charge for a Premium subscription.
How do I upgrade to a premium subscription?
After creating your class reunion web site, you may upgrade to a Premium Subscription at any time. This provides additional features that you may find useful, the ability to accept PayPal payments directly into your account. Premium features »
For a basic website, can I deactivate the online payments system or tell my visitors to send me a check?
No, on a basic (that is, non-Premium) website you cannot deactivate the payment system, and the terms and conditions of use prohibit encouraging your classmates to pay you by check, money order, or other means. (For the latest Terms and Conditions for basic websites, click here.)


We are able to offer class reunion sites for free because we charge your visitors a processing fee of 6% ($3 minimum) on all online transactions. Websites must be set up to accept payments at least three months in advance of the reunion to qualify for a free basic subscription. Otherwise, you must upgrade to a Premium Subscription.

For many class reunions, this arrangement is convenient since record-keeping is simple and centralized. On the other hand, if you upgrade to a Premium subscription then you can elect have the payments automatically deposited directly into your committee's PayPal account (without incurring the ClassQUEST processing fee), provide instructions for classmates to pay by check or money order, upload a registration form in PDF or Word format, or deactivate the payment system entirely.

Will the class reunion website contain ads and banners?
Currently we do not display ads or banners, but we reserve the right to do so in the future.
How long will my class reunion website be available?
A "Basic Subscription" (free) website will be available for the year of your reunion. However, once you've put in all the effort to create a central gathering place for your classmates, we encourage you and your classmates to continue to use the website to stay connected. To do so, you will need to renew your website subscription. The cost to extend your subscription is $120 per year. (Extend for multiple years at once to get a discount and save!)

**** Extending your website also automatically upgrades it to "Premium", enabling all of the Premium features.
Can I accept online payments for my class reunion event?
Yes. Alumni may pay using a major credit card. A processing fee of 6% (minimum $3) applies to each online payment. If you have a Premium site, then online payments may optionally be made directly into your reunion's PayPal account, in which case the ClassQUEST online processing fee does not apply.
Can I sell class reunion merchandise on my web site?
Yes. You can sell photo albums, mugs, T-shirts … sell anything!
Can I collect donations on my web site?
How do Sponsor Boxes work?
Sponsor Boxes allow your classmates to sponsor your class reunion web site. The proceeds from sponsorships are credited towards the purchase of a Premium subscription. Learn more about Sponsorship »

Sponsor Boxes may be purchased by visitors to your reunion web site. They appear on the "Sponsors" page of your class reunion web site. The proceeds from sales of Sponsor Boxes are credited towards the cost of maintaining a Premium subscription.

Silver Sponsor


Joanne Smith
Can't wait to see y'all!
Gold Sponsor


Mark and Mary Devine (Dawson)
We hope you have a wonderful time!
We can't be with you this year since Mary
is expecting our 2nd. Best wishes!
Gold Sponsor with photo/logo


Gerri and Peter Cordon
Look forward to seeing
everyone in August!
Click image for bigger pic!

Your reunion committee can set the pricing for Sponsor Boxes purchased for their ClassQUEST reunion web site. However, in order that ClassQUEST can cover its costs, we require a minimum price of $9 for Silver sponsors and $15 for Gold sponsors.

Can I change the class reunion website address after I have created the web site?
Yes. Instructions for changing the web site address are available once you sign-in to administer your web site.
What type of pages can my class reunion website display?
There are many types of pages, including a welcome page, a classmates page of classmate profiles events pages, guest books, stories pages, photo albums, questionnaires, surveys, and many more class reunion-specific pages. And if the page you need is not in this list, you can custom build your own page!
Can I use a public custom class reunion website address ("domain")?
Yes. For example, if you purchase the domain Bunting1985.com, then visitors can access your new reunion web site at www.Bunting1985.com. You can purchase a domain using the link on your organizer's home page or you may purchase a domain elsewhere and link it to your ClassQUEST class reunion website.
Is the site and the personal information of my classmates secure?
YES. ClassQUEST takes security and privacy very seriously! Your website will NEVER display any of the personal information of its members, such as addresses, emails, phone numbers, etc. In addition, pages and their contents can be password protected. If you'd prefer another level of security, the entire site can be set to "Closed Community" (see below for more info), making the site password protected which requires visitors to log in before seeing any site content at all.
Can I make my website a "Closed community"?
Yes. A closed community class reunion website means that your alumni must use a username and password to access the website. Usernames are issued automatically after the alumni make an online application to join the community, and once you have approved the application.
Your question not answered here?
No problem! You can email your question to us at info@classquest.com or call us at 1-800-965-9020. Or you can use the online Help Desk once you sign in to administer your site.