Our Dunoon Classmates Past and Present
Donovan Broderick
Hi, my name is Donovan Broderick i left in 2003, missing my classmates becomes a burden. The good times we share replay in the mind but in reality hoping and wishing to see their faces again,i journey with them in my heart forever,i miss the teachers they are the ones who guide us in our everyday school life,teacher like Mr Brooks,Mr Robinson,Mr Westcot,Ms Richards,Mrs White,my principal Mr Thompson,Mrs Authors and Mr Mckenzie. You have all contribute morals to my life and i give God thanks for you all and i wish you all,the best that life has to offer. I hope you all in the best of health and achieve all that you have set out to achieve,words can't find to describe the memories sometimes i sit and laugh reminiscing on the days of bliss , the laughs and fun, the practical classes,the humur the teachers put in so we can have fun while learning. the best days of my life i spent it at Dunoon, nothing can replace those days
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