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In Memory Update

Wanted to update that Joyce Fielden and Robert (Bob) Sheppard has also passed away.

Anthony (Tony) Lipuma
Joyce Feilden Lopez

I am sad to report that my sweet friend Joyce did pass about 10 years ago. She died suddenly and I believed had a heart attach.

Dana Humke Haraway
Adriana Vila Klich, Mechanicsburg, PA

My good friend Adriana passed away in August, 2017, I am still in touch with her loving husband and kids.  She had cancer, passed away at home in Mechanicsburg, PA just about a year ago.

I have this photo of her from when we sat for some photographers back in 1968. She was a beautiful woman, very smart, she got her law degree and we were roommates for a while 1973-‘74,.

I introduced her to her second husband Rick of 41 years on a blind-date. She leaves behind two girls, Avryl Klich and Aryn Klich Marsh (2 children) and one son Rodney Mull (6 children).

She will be missed.

Dana Humke Haraway

Darryl Campenella did not graduate with us, but attended Springbrook . He died in Vietnam at 17 or 18 years old. I counted him as  a friend and was heart broken when he passed.

Dave Evans

In loving memory of Harry mullinix, 10.6.50-05.23.2018. I am his daughter, one of twins he proudly raised him self, Brooke and Brittney. many of his classmates may know him from school and the pizza place Sammys Villa. he was aan amazing, hard working dedicate former marine and AWESOME FATHER. I will be attending this event with my god father Frederick Lerch who was my dads best friend for 55 years! I miss him so much and i am so excited to take a dive into his past! 

Brittney Mullinix

Pierre "Sonny" Pollet - this is just a message to request that my brother be added to the In Memory page. Thank you for all your great work on this site. Much appreciated.

Pamela Tiik Pollet

Hi. Just needed to say I am attending. See you at 6pm. I have to leave at 8pm to go to Florence and the Machine show in DC at the Antheim.

Pamela Tiik Pollet

That other message header was supposed to be a smiley...not a frowney. Sorry.

Pamela Tiik Pollet