Hotel Accommodations
We have space for more classmates, so you may now pay at the door. Cash only, please.

We have made sleeping room arrangements at the hotel. They are offering a King and a King with a fold out sofa. Sorry, but no doubles are available. Information is as follows:


1.          Call the front desk at 410-997-1060

2.          Hilton Reservations: 800-445-8667

3.      Booking Link: Springbrook Reunion

**The Special Rate Code for your group is SHE. Please mention the group name 'Springbrook Reunion' if you are calling for reservations.  

·         Individuals must cancel their reservation 48 hours before their arrival date to avoid a cancellation fee.

·         The special room rate will be available until September 5th or until the group block is sold-out, whichever comes first.

·         King bedrooms are $99.00 a night plus tax.

·         King Junior suites are $139.00 a night plus tax.