Robbinsdale High School Class of 1966
Missing Classmates
If you can help us to contact James Ferguson, please complete the following form and press Submit. This information will be used only to inform the classmate of the reunion.
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Craig Anderson     
Steven Anderson
Linda Auerback     
Toni Bayliss
Brian Belknap     
Thomas Berry
Deborah Best     
Patricia Bies
Cecelia Crimmins     
Kathleen Davis
Donna Dingley     
Peter Doepping
James Ferguson     
Larry Gibbs
Carolyn Groettrum     
Marcia Hanson
Pam Hargarten     
Kathleen Hendrickson
Mary Hinds     
Anita Johnson
Barbara Ann Johnson     
Robert Johnson
Sarah Johnson     
Karen Kaehn
Kathryn Keyt     
Sheila Lien
Barb Lundeen     
Linda Lynch
Dorothy Miller     
Marilyn Miller
Betty Palmquist     
Richard Patten
Margo Peters     
Judy Purvis
Catherine Smith     
John Thomas
John Tuomisto     
Kathy Wallace
Cynthia Walton     
Arlinda Watson
Thomas White     
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