Henry Djerlev
After graduating from the UMD Geology Department I took a Summer job, as a Junior Geologist, in Alaska that began my 30 plus year career in the Exploration and Mining Industry. After several years out West, in Nevada and Colorado, I was transferred to Hibbing, MN and spent most of my career as the Mine Geologist at Hibbing Taconite Company.

In 2000 I retired and began a geological and GIS (digital mapping) consulting business that kept me active professionally until 2013, when I fully retired. I'm now enjoying being my own boss. My wife Sheri began her career as a high school English teacher in Nevada, and in Hibbing she worked for the School District as an ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher until 2010.

Sheri and I continue to live in Hibbing, but travel often and enjoy visiting new areas, meeting new people and trying new food. We volunteer with various local organizations also.

Words of Wisdom: "Years teach us more than books" -Berthold Auerbach ... and for us there's been a lot of "teaching" going on.


In June 2022 my wife Sheri and I celebrated our 50th Wedding Annivesary!

Wow, that first 56 years went FAST! Thanks Reunion Committee again !!
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