Omaha North High School
Class of 1968
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Bette Kunkle (Griswold)
I see that my profile on the Classmates website has not been updated in about 3 years. The year 2013 has been both bitter and sweet. The hardest event was the passing away of my beloved husband, Dennis. We would have been married 30 years in 2013. He passed just days before our anniversary on May 7. Diabetes made his health very poor and he was losing his eyesight. The hardest thing for him was giving up the motorcycle. I celebrated his life on our 30th anniversary day by going on a summer camp retreat for retired people. I went on a zipline, did crafts, gardening and horseback riding at this "kids camp for adults".
My daughter, Lisa, and grandaughter Shelby are still living in Cheyenne, WY. I'm going there in July to this huge rodeo event called "Cheyenne Frontier Days". We're going to the rodeo and a Jason Aldeen concert . I'm still able to stay retired. House paid off. I'm really blessed.
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