Unlocated Classmates
We have space for more attendees, so you may now pay at the door. Cash or credit/debit only, please.

The following classmates are either unlocated or have addresses not verifiable. If you know any information regarding there whereabouts, kindly contact Five Star Reunions. Any current last names of those who are married would help a lot. Thanks!

Christina Balkovic

Diane Baltimore

Helen Beatty

Marie Beatty Hains

Melanie Briddell

Anne Bromley McPherson

Donald Brown

Karen Brown

Lauretta Brown

Marc Brown

Clinton Brumback

Susan Butler

Pamela Childs

Bonnie Combo Harris

Rick Curl

Elaine Doerstler

Christopher Duff

Merlelyn Etter

Barbara Franklin

Erling Friis-Baastad

Joyce Gillen

Richard Hibbs

Karen Hopper

Nancy Hurd

Stephen Jones

Rebecca Lee

Mary Lemmo

Debra Loughton

Patricia Mamalis

Mary Lou MacGillivray

Michelle Mishler

Christine Vivori Morris 

Donna Myers

Robert Needham

Nancy Norton

Ann Owen


Sharon Phillips

Ann Ragland

Rosamond Remling

Patricia Richardson

Robert Eugene Rogers

Linda Roman

Patricia Schell

Joanne Simmons

Daryl Siron

Georgia "Cathy" Snyder

Marcia Solomon

Thomas Spencer

Nora Stanton

Pamela Starkey

Jeffrey Steele

Barbara Stegmaier Howard

Cheryl  Strow

Julie Swan Ashby

Michael Tripp

Bill Trout

Sherry Watson

Susan Wilson

Janet Wisman

Kay Witcher

Jacqueline Woody

Steve Worth
