Western Hills High School Class of 1979
Classmates we'll miss...


Friends come and go in our lives but there's something special about the classmates from our days of growing up. This page is dedicated to the friends we've lost that are listed and those we don't yet know about. May their loved ones know they're not forgotten.

Eddie Billman

Tom Blackwell

Lesa Byrd

Pam Collins

Tim Corbett

Ricky Cox

Gerald Dickens

Teresa Dobbins

David Driskell

Larry Dunn

Jay Eigenmann

Chuck Gosselin

Lexie Guyton

Michelle Hench

Kelly Higdon

Lewis Jones

Barbara Junkins

Alex Martinez

Michael Payne

"WJ" Phillips

Nick Porterfield

Kent Reiser

Kelly Smallwood

Darryl Speed

Wes Sweitzer

Bryant Tucker

Jackie Wilborn