Western Hills High School Class of 1979
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Olive Branch, MS
Nancy Dunning was nice enough to track me down and invite me to the 30th.... and I'm sorry that I can't make it. Ole Miss and Alabama are playing that weekend and I have season tickets. Been looking on the web page... don't recognize anybody.... everyone has change so much except me! For those that may be confused or don't remeber... it was Michael McDonald in school.
Visit me at:
Fort Worth, TX
Howdy, Y'all! Looking forward to re-connecting with Miss Rich's choir peeps and my other pals from high school.
Montague, TX
This reunion will be a great time for all of us. It has sure been nice to have technology advanced so much that we can see each other and communicate briefly, before the reunion. Kind of takes the surprise out of it, but it has been fun breaking the ice thru Face Book and such. Thanks to ALL of you that have worked so hard on putting this together. Peace!
Visit me at:
Ft Worth, TX
Fort Worth, TX
I've seen more Brown Patch fungus than onyone on this earth , I am a Horticulturist
View profile »Stephanie Mims (McDonald)
Colleyville, TX
View profile »Danna Dishman (McFarlane)
Burleson, TX
See you all at The Reunion!

God Bless!!
View profile »Heather Reynolds (McMillen)
Glendale, AZ
View profile »Shelly Borders (Metzger)
Colleyville, TN
Weatherford, TX
View profile »Robin Hayles (Moehring)
Garland, TX
I missed the 20th, but wild horses won't keep me from the 30th! Life's too short, so just do it!!

Well, it wasn't wild horses that kept me away, but the fact that my mother died 2 days before the reunion caused a change in plans.
Visit me at:
Benbrook, TX
WHAT FUN!!! Be There or Be Square!!!!
View profile »Penny Pamplin (Moore)
Benbrook, TX
I look forward to seeing everybody again!!
Mansfield, TX
View profile »Anita Hartmann (Moser)
Dallas, TX
Missed the 20th, so looking forward to catching up with everyone soon!
Benbrook, TX
Fort Worth, TX
recvd email from Amber saying Brian having hard time getting into the website,, redid his password- sent email to him ,, trm
Boyd, TX
Looking forward to reunion, see you there.