Beckie Crandall (Wagner)
Where has the time gone? Let's see, here is a recap of my last ten years: Of course, I have Andrew, who was born senior year. He's 10 now. I got married in 99, had two daughters, Ciera, 8, and Madison, 7. I was a stay at home mom for a long time, but then I decided I better have some sort of skill, so I took classes to become a CNA. I was divorced about 3 years ago. I went back to college and just graduated with my associate's in Human Services. Hmmm,10 yr old son, 10 yr reunion, graduation, I guess I did it all a little backwards : ) I am now working on my Bachelor's in Psychology. I met an awesome man at school, and we have a 9 and a half month old son. We are planning a wedding in early spring. I am currently working as a CNA at Tendercare here in town, and living on West Bay. Life is hectic and wonderful, and I couldn't do it any other way. I look forward to seeing everyone at the reunion.