Grace Williams
It really is amazing that time has gone so fast! I moved out to New York the January after we graduated and have ended up having a crazy and unexpected adventure over the past ten years. About a year after I moved out here, I spent a huge stint working and living with Catholic nuns in East Harlem and ended up attending college at the City University of New York, first at BMCC (NYC's answer to NMC) then at City College (NYC's answer to Grand Valley-like schools).
During my long stretch getting my BA completed, I've had the opportunity to go abroad. My first extended trip was a month-long stint studying in Tuscany and my second was an entire summer backpacking in France, Germany and Italy in 2004. I finally graduated college in summer of '05 and worked as a freelance writer for a local paper in Harlem as well as an editorial assistant for a small press magazine until I got my first "growed up" job as an ad assistant at The Wall Street Journal. This coming January, I will mark my ten year anniversary here by starting grad studies at the Columbia School of Journalism and I hope to work as a writer for a publication someday.
I'm bummed that I'll be missing everyone at the reunion this year, but my biggest news of all is that I'm getting married in September, so I need to concentrate on that for now, but I hope everyone is doing well and hopefully, I'll catch everyone at the next one if not sooner :)