Oak Harbor High School
Class of 1987
Melissa (Mo) Kutschara (Wyckoff)
Can it seriously be thirty years? I still feel like the young version of myself, except for the creaking of the bones every morning! Remember when 50 was OLD?! Well we are older, and BETTER! Dave and I are so thrilled because our daughter, Alexandra, just graduated! Woo hoo! That much closer to living together without being observed by the child - it could happen! Michael, our 27 yr old son, is living in Bend, OR, working for Les Schwab. Plus, we have awesome news! After serious work and commitment, David has graduated from SPU, and is going to be teaching algebra. Anyone who remembers how Dave couldn't wait to get out of high school has to know this only comes about by Divine Appointment! I love singing in my church praise band every weekend. And I have been working in dental for 17 years, loving it; especially the three day weekends!!!
Can't wait to see everyone and party, laugh, and reconnect!