Looking to share costs?
Looking for someone to share costs with for reunion

Those of you who want to share room costs in order to make this trip can post your information on this page. Please include your contact information so others can contact you.


Looking forward to seeing all of you in August!!


Renee Mathews Meyers


Looking for someone that has hotel reservations and want to share the costs. I fly in on Friday and fly back out on Monday.

You can reach me at 239-297-8745.


Candi Roberts

Candi Roberts
Looking to share room costs

Hey everyone.....

Ok, I fell asleep at the wheel!  Crap!  Was going to book a room at Luquillo Sunrise and waited to long.  Is anyone out there still looking to share room costs? Or have a room booked already? If so let me know! Or does anyone know of a good deal out there to be had?  Hasta! and see everyone soon!!


Ben Craig


Ben Craig