
Welcome to our Classmates database.  If this is your first visit to our website please return to the Home page. Click on "Sign In" and follow directions for submitting your details. Submit this information to be authenticated by the site administrator.  You will receive a username and password, which you can use to sign in to the website for future updates you may wish to make. (the "Sign In" link is on the Home page, bottom of left sidebar.)

Then, please take some time to browse and find some of your old friends.  If we have an email address for a classmate you will see a link to send an email to reconnect.  Please give classmates our website information and encourage them to attend the Reunion to help make it a success!

The following is a VERY iMPORTANT task we have undertaken!!  Please help us to find missing classmates by entering any contact information you may have in the Missing Classmates section.  We are particularly interested in "Missing Classmate" phone numbers and/or e-mail addresses.  We no long will use the postal service to disseminate information.  You can see the list of Missing Classmates by clicking on the "Missing Classmate" link below.

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IN MEMORY - May 30, 2000
View profile »Betsy Lockman (Zimmerman)
Ruckersville, VA
October 31, 2022 -
Life after W-L took me to Madison College where I earned my degree in - what else? - education! I married my long-time boyfriend, David, and we have one daughter, Aimee. She is married to a USArmy officer and they have three children … more »
Arlington, VA
IN MEMORY - November 18, 2021
Stevensville, MD
View profile »Christina (Chris) Zylman
IN MEMORY - February 1972