RCHS Sports PhotosPhotos
Add a photograph of your own!

  You either played or watched sports, either way, it was fun!  
Photos you have of sporting events during our High School.
Any newspaper stories would also be a good addition.
Please include your NAME... at the beginning so we know who posted the photo!
Check your typing, you cannot go back and update. Contact us and we will make the change.
NOTE: If your photo appears sideways or upside down, down't worry, we will fix it!

MJ Obrentz (Forte)... I970 Black Hills Open Tennis Tournament. I spent the summer with my host family (Laurel Gundersen) and won the Singles and Doubles (with Linda Farrier) of the Black Hills Open. I still love tennis and play five times a week - but only on clay as it's more forgiving on the knees!
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