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Message Board
30 Year Reunion.....can't WAIT

Hi All,

This is going to be a great time!

Thank you to all you hard workers that are putting this together.

See you all soon!



Kristen Lundgren
30 Year Reunion.....can't WAIT

Hi All,

This is going to be a great time!

Thank you to all you hard workers that are putting this together.

See you all soon!



Kristen Lundgren
Sorry, I won't be able to make it

Had already agreed to be in North Carolina that weekend for my Mother in Law's 80th birthday.

Jon Flaten

hi all i would like to reserve a ticket where do i send the money to

sandy sanoski
Acceptable Payment Methods


Unfortunatley we can no have people send checks through the mail. It has to be via this website with a credit card. This was a misunderstanding on our part with the host of this site. If you don't want to do that, email me and we can have you pay at the event, but register you now. 

Thanks for your understanding,  




Carla "Link" Rose
Looking forward to the reunion!!

Really looking forward to our class reunion!  I read on Facebook that some are planning to get together Friday as well, but I cant find the post now. Does anyone have information on this?

Lori Krueger-Watzl

Hi, I wish I had seen this earlier....I have plans that weekend, it's my son's 6th birthday party and would love to see all of you and catch up...will keep an eye on this now that I found the link and make plans for the future reunions..

Kristen Madland
This week-ends reunion!

 Hello everyone, I am so sorry I will not be able to attend this weekends activities. I was really looking forward to seeing everyone again and rehashing old times and old adventures. I hope you all have a great time and post lots of photos.

Paula Tollefson

Paula Tollefson
Sorry I missed the reunion

I was helping taking care of my step- father who has Alzheimer disease while my mother was out of town at that time. It would of been nice to see y'all again. 

Gaylen Davidson
(800) 965-9020
Fax: (954) 241-5054
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