My Old Yearbook CD

Reunited's entire Yearbook on CD library is online here. You'll find more than 300 yearbooks from our school and many others!

My Old Yearbook™ CD is an easy to use CD that will run on Mac and Windows® based computers.

It beautifully captures the experience of paging through a yearbook and rekindles the thoughts and feelings of those precious days of our youth.
  • Easily flip through the pages with the Click of a Button! You can view your yearbook on CD Page-By-Page or use Thumbnails.
  • Incredibly Easy to Navigate.
  • Quickly find your old classmates, your best friend, show your kids what you looked like as a teenager, find your high school sweetheart - or your spouse!  Simply by clicking.
Enter the quantities in the boxes provided and press the Proceed to checkout button at the bottom of the page.
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