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Post your images from high school, your family, and your classmates using the upload form on this page. Photos which are posted on this page are eligible to be inlcuded in the photo montage shown at the reunion. Photos must be uploaded at least two weeks prior to the reunion in order to be included in the montage presentation.

Looking for photos from your previous reunion? Reunited's online photo vault goes back to the reunions we planned as early as 2004. To view the photos from these reunions, check out our photo site here.

Photos posted here will be included in the reunion photo montage presented at the reunion!

Lauren Ricks, Jeannie Matamoros, and Michelle Ashurst around 1997?
Prom 1994
Prom 1994
Talent Show 1992
Grad Nite 1994
Drama Class Project 1991
Hanging out 1994
Graduation Day!
Homecoming Sophomore Year 1992 ~ Ileana Zayas-Bazan & Julie (Cavendish) Goodreau
Sophomore Year Homecoming 1992
Drill Team 1992 - Football Game Dana (Eisenstein) Smyth & Julie (Cavendish) Goodreau
January 1992
June 1994
Graduation Day Scott Rudd ~ We miss you
Drill Team 1992
Homecoming Sophomore Year 1992
Homecoming Sophomore Year 1992
Halloween 1993
Homecoming Sophomore Year 1992
Karen & Keith 1992
Billy, Nikki & Julie January 1992
Lisa Berman & Ileana Zayas-Bazan Drill Team 1993
Jessica & Billy
Billy & Ileana Summer 1991
Yearbook Signing
Amber & Jeremy 1992
Julie & Scott 1992
Drill Team
Homecoming 1993
Drill Team
Lynne Schatzberg and Paula Kudler
Senior Prom group
Aaron Sacharow and Stephanie Cohn Sacharow Senior Prom
Graduation Collage
Drama club 1991
(Click on an image to view at full size.)
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