Bel Air High School
1984 Highlander Reunion

In light of the difficulties fellow classmates are having with being able to attend the events which were planned for Saturday, October 25, 2014 we have had to cancel that evening.
However, we can’t let the chance go by without seeing each other so we have opted to do a Friday night social only.  We have made arrangements with the owner of The Buzz located at 10910 Montana Avenue for an evening of drink specials, snacks, 80’s music and most of all fun!
Admission fee is $25.00 per person and may be paid via the pay pal link on the website or in cash at the door. Go to the EVENTS page to submit your pay pal payment.

Thank you and we hope to see you there!



If you haven't RSVP'd or sent your payment as of yet, please do so. It will help the committee with our planning!!! 


Patsy Rojas
A message of THANKS!

Fellow Highlanders, 

Belinda Pacheco has spent her whole evening designing and trouble shooting this website especially for OUR class in the hopes of ensuring our 30th reunion outshines the previous two by reminding us of what a great time we had and what we have to look forward to again.  Don't let her efforts go unrewarded by missing out on our 30th and don't wait until the last minute to sign up. 

Every effort is being made to make this a success but we can't do it without you so don't make us hunt you down 'cuz WE WILL soooo do it!




Angie Geiger
Photos and Memories

Too bad we didn't even know what a camera phone was back in our high school years.  I am going to put together a power point presentation for our reunion weekend calling for alumn to please send me photos.  If you have video even better!  Email them to or send a request for my address for hard copies that I promise will send back to you.  Any questions please contact me.  I'm guessing if there was any video taken back in our day it's probably VHS and have the means to transfer this.  Thanks look forward to hearing from you.

Ruben Gutierrez
Highlanders READY..?!!!

Gonna GO GO GO GO GO!!!


Gonna sign up for the 30th reunion . . . that's RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT!!!  Or else!


Susie Villa
Looking forward to this years reunion.....

Hope to see everyone there it's been a while......

mike Sarmiento
Please dont get offended

Regarding our FAQ, we were ...uhhmm, having some eats and drinks...getting frustrated, that classmates weren't our request to rsvp, and PAY.  Please understand, we can't plan if we don't have people participating?! Errr paying up?

Susi Q

HOMECOMING WEEK 9/8 - 9/12 2014

Hey Highlanders!

We are excited to announce our 2014 Homecoming events taking place the week of the 8-13. This year our theme is Under the Big Top!  The dates are as follow:


Dress Up Days:

Monday: Happy Clown Day

Tuesday: Circus Animal Day

Wednesday: Mime Day

Thursday: Crazy Dress Up Day

Friday: Spirit Day


Event Days:

Tuesday: Door decorating contest

Thursday Parade beginning on Carolina and Yarbrough 5:00 PM and Assembly in stadium 7:30 PM

Friday: Football Game vs. Eastwood at 7:00 PM

Saturday: Dance in the Dibler Gym 8:00-12:00 

mike Sarmiento
Thanks for the Invite

Hope the best for everyone, but I will not be attending, again thanks for the invite.

Marco Gutierrez
(800) 965-9020
Fax: (954) 241-5054
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