North Miami 1973 40-Year Reunion
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Post your images from the reunion; high school, your family, and your classmates using the upload form on this page. Photos uploaded here will appear in the slide show presented at future class events!

Looking for photos from your previous reunion? Reunited's online photo vault goes back to the reunions we planned as early as 2004. To view the photos from these reunions, check out our photo site here. In addition, a few of our reunions that took place in 2010 are online here.

Note: The North Miami Class of 1973 reunion was previously planned by a different reunion company. Unfortunately, no online website exists with images from previous reunions. However, please feel free to post yours here.

1973 Pioneers baseball team co captains Terry Fitzgerald and Nick Belmonte playing for the Gator baseball team almost beat the 1977 World Champion New York Yankees (losing 10-9) only 4 years after graduation. Pictured from the left: Reggie Jackson, Terry, Nick, Mickey Rivers
(Click on an image to view at full size.)