Last year's West Coast Mini-reunion was so much fun that almost everybody wanted to do it again. So, for them, and for those who couldn't make it last year, let's party down as if there's no such thing as the Big 7-0!
A few details about the West-Coast "Mini" 2014:
When: Sunday August 31, 2014 Noon to 5pm
Where: My place again, which is very near the San Francisco Airport
Food: Same deal as last year, except no need to bring any money for drinks--just bring something--drinks and/or finger food (nothing needing plates or utensils). If you can, bring some lawn chairs and/or a cooler with ice. If you're coming in from out of town, don't bring anything, just yourself (but no Indonesian Fighting Snakes still).
Now with entertainment!: Croquet, Bocce Ball, any other age-appropriate games you'd care to bring
So far, I think we have almost 25 people coming:
Alice Jamieson
Art Brooke
Betsy Herbert
Bob Engler and Julie Ruedi
Dave Raub and hopefully wife Mary
Georgia Levathes Cullum
Jana Combs Bowles and Philip Bowles
Jeremy Harris
John Carnes and Eloise Shouse
Ken and Carrie Lavine
Linnea and Paul Dayton
Randi Miles Long and husband Herb
Rich and Supathra Lane
Tom Callaham & Mary (Dahl) Callaham
Wayne Ward
If you can make it, and I hope you can, please send me a private message with your current email so I can send updates and full information.
Rich Lane