Foothill High School
Class of 1983
Add a photograph of your own!
Didn't we have to take this three times because everyone was flipping off the camera?
Valentines Day 1982-Junior Year handing out flowers
Marian Ulibarri Rennels
Marian Ulibarri Rennels
Marian Ulibarri Rennels
What Foothill looked like freshman year (1)
What Foothill looked like freshman year (2)
Rick Tindal (a year ahead of us?) and Matt Capalby on Mt. Diablo.
Drama tour to Seattle & Vancouver BC, junior year.
Reunion meeting (1)
Reunion meeting (2)
Kathleen Dunn Hemza
Back to Foothill
Chris and Dem...
Best from Behind
Most Twinkling Eyes!
Best Personality
Class Athletes
Class Comics
Class Flirts
Class Radicals
Class Sweethearts-Rae Garza and Bart Holle
Most Artistic
Most Bashful
Most Likely to Succeed
Most Sparkling Smile
Nicest Hair
Outstanding Musical Talent
Sexiest Legs
The FP's Graduation Day 1983
Senior Ball-Jacques, Laura, Stacey, Scott, Paul, Tricia
The Slugs rock the house at Tricia Broderick's house on her 18th birthday.
Jacques rockin with the Slugs at Jim Mahern's house...that was a wild night!
Aubrey's 18th Birthday -- John McCown
John McCown (Donna Covello McCown, Rachael McCown and Aubrey McCown) 2012
John McCown Christmas 2012
just doin my job! LOL
Flock of Gregals!
Jacques Spicoli
Mikie Van Halen
(Click on an image to view at full size.)