Foothill High School
Class of 1983
We have closed the online registration. If you would still like to attend, walkins at the event welcome! PLEASE NOTE: You may pay with CASH ONLY at the door.

High School Class of 1983
30 Year Reunion!


Dear Classmates,

Wow! It is hard to believe that it has been 30 years since we all graduated from Foothill High School. Time sure does fly. For many of us that 30 years has meant many changes, paths we never expected to take and exciting life experiences. For others, we may be right where we thought we would be. Wherever you are, whatever you have done, at some point and time, you have thought back on those days at Foothill. 

We've now reached a point in our lives where it would be nice to catch up with those we have lost contact with. Maybe rekindle a lost friendship or make a new one. Here is your chance. The reunion committee for Foothill High School Class of 1983 invites you to join us for our 30 Year Reunion. The date for this momentous occasion is Saturday, July 13, 2013. It is bound to be loads of fun!

We truly hope that you will join us, as we too, wish to catch up with you.



Your Class of 1983 Reunion Committee



Ronald Reagan was president, the cost of a first class stamp

was 20 cents and a gallon of gas was $1.24 per gallon (how

we wish for those days again!).

We were listening to the Police, Men at Work and Michael Jackson’s Thriller and

going to “Day on the Green” concerts.

There were no cell phones, home computers or email and the CD had just been invented…the iPod and the smart phone was still science fiction! How did we survive without these everyday necessities?

As busy as our lives are, it is important to take time out to reminisce and catch up with old (okay, not old – high school!) friends as our past makes up the person we are today.

The Reunion Committee invites you to join us for a fun-filled evening celebrating 30 years. We hope to see you there!