
You can take advantage of this web site to communicate with our classmates. You MUST create your profile to send emails to other classmates. If you have a recent photo of yourself and/or family, you can post it to your profile. You may also post a "Then" picture from your yearbook. To get started click on the "Create Your Profile" link on this page.

Classmates that have posted profiles, photos and stories may or may not be planning on attending your reunion.  This is just an area for communication and it is not a list of those attending your reunion, so please take a moment to create or update your classmate profile.

NOTE: Once you have added your details, it may take up to 24 hours for the web organizer to authenticate your profile, so please be patient and do not create a second profile.

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View profile »Danielle Klaus Herrera
Davie, FL
Winter Garden, FL
View profile »Kathleen Klockziem Puffer
Tillson, NY
Holy SCREAMING piccolos. Can't believe we've been out of band camp for 20 years. You all amaze and inspire me so much. Connecting with you all after moving so far away has brought back such wonderful memories. God bless you all!
Coconut Creek, FL
Cordova, TN
Cordova, TN
Hope everyone is doing well! I can't believe we are approaching 20 years! Where has the time gone?

I look forward to seeing everyone.
Henderson, CO
Port Saint Lucie, FL
New Bern, NC
Huntsville, AL
West Palm Beach, FL
Hey can't wait to see everyone!!
Ft Lauderdale, FL
Margate, FL
Oviedo, FL
Boca Raton, FL
Tallahassee, FL