Welcome to the official class home room for our class. Please take a few minutes to explore the site and get familiar with all of the wonderful features we have provided to help make your reunion experience the best it can be.
Here are our suggestions to get you started:
1. Update your profile. Make sure all of the information is up to date to be assured of receiving upcoming news about the reunion. (By updating your profile it does NOT mean you are registered for the Reunion- you must continue registering and pay online to attend the actual event- this is just updating the class list)
2. Post a message in the Message Board. Send a shout-out to your classmates, tell everyone what you've been up, challenge classmates to update their profile.
3. Click the Like on Facebook button for Facebook.
4. Click the Twitter icon to post to your Twitter feed.
5. Click the Email button to send a message to the classmates in your address book and tell them about the site.
6. Post photos of yourself and other classmates in the Photo Album (and in your profile).
7. Have fun!!