In Memory of Fallen Generals
"Don’t be dismayed at good-byes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends."
Author: Richard Bach
Deceased classmates are in alphabetical order based on information received from friends and relatives as of September 1, 2011. Additional notices of Fallen Generals are not able to be placed in Alphabetical order but are added at the end of the list when received.
Victor Paul Algar
Paul Marvin Atkisson
Francine Marie Babjak Jacobucci
James Franklin Backus
Alex Orr Baird
Richard Earl Bindhammer
Alden Stuart (Denny) Blackstone
Gloria Jean Bottner
Dorothy Brooks
Darlene Virginia Cox
Charles Dillman
Judy Duganne
Julia Emory
Robert Erbs
Sybil Grover Pelletie
Charles Haas
Charles Haas is the only known member of our class who died in Vietnam during the war - Jerry Ellis 1/7/2012
Marion Hinds
Gail Farrell Hinkley
Albert Hlis
Lesia Hodivsky
Terry Knuck
Providence Lopez
Nadia Ostapuik
Terry Palmer
Walter LeRoy Perry
Andrew (Andy) Joseph Pirone
Nancy Ruth Pries
Lindy Lee Reilly
Thomas Steve Rizzoto
Dennis Elwin Roe
Keith Steffen
Dorothy Carol Wenrick
Dale Sheffield Wilson
Lionel Duke Merlano
Janice Noriega
Geraldine Lucille Clayton Averil
Geraldine (Clayton) Averill, "Dena", passed away on May 26, 2003 from kidney cancer.
She was an employee of, and retired from Bell South after 30 years of service.
She was a dear friend to me, so I just wanted to get this information correct.....
Visitor name: Judith (Blackwell) Haddon
Richard Wylie Collins
Nilda deCordova Brain
Dorothy Morgan
William (Bill) Henry Davis
David VanDoren
I just spoke to the family of David VanDoren and learned he has passed away weeks ago. Posted by a classmate - 4/8/2012
Donald N Muse