Pictures from the past
Debbie Hardie - 1980
Lynne Novak - 1980
Debbie Hardie and Mary Thelen - 1980
Debbie Hardie at the fair
Cyndi Guthrie and Balloo
Cast of Tom Sawyer - 7th grade - CR Anderson
Debbie Hardie as "mammy" - 7th grade - CR Anderson
Mary Thelen
Karen Cawlfield, Debbie Hardie, Joyce Riis, Lynne Novak and Santa!
20th reunion Shannon Throm and Connie Cole
20th reunion Steve King and Sam Getz
20th Reunion
20th reunion
20th reunion
20th reunion
20th reunion
20th reunion
20th reunion
20th reunion
Mahlman/Utter family 2000
1980 football team
Front row: Kenny Terrell, Kendall Mahlman, ?, Don Larson, Mike Tooley
(Click on an image to view at full size.)