NARM Photos
NARM 2007 -  Front Row: Renee Mead - NARM Admin Ass't, Kandy Davidson - Vice President, Carol McEvoy, Cyndi Clamp - Conference Committee Chair. Row 2: Melinda Decker, Kirsten Richardson, Carol Riley - Ethics Chairman, Debra Finegan.
Row 3: Nancy Shirey, Gayle Rapoport - Secretary, John Cullen.
Row 4: Matt Diroll, Steve Bemis - Treasurer, Mike Silva.
Back Row: Jeff Decker, Jim Rapoport.
Missing: Wanda Diroll, Danielle and Shelly Hollander and Christie Edman
NARM 2008 - Savanna, Ga.  Wanda Diroll - President; Cyndi Clamp - Vice President; Kirsten Richardson & Carol McEvoy
NARM 2008 - Savanna, Ga.  Laura Goldberg, Carol McEvoy, Danielle Hollander - Conference Committee Chair, Kandy & Byron Davidson & Greg Hollander
NARM 2009 - Santa Catalina Island, CA  Front Row: Carol McEvoy, Sherri Lokken-Executive Director, Wanda Diroll, Kandy Davidson-President 2009 & 10, Matt Weber Row 2: Carol Riley, Denise Silva Row 3: Michell Mikel-Smith, Melinda Decker - Secretary 2009 & 2010, Mike Silva - Treasurer 2008 and 2009 Row 4: Cindy Clamp Vice President 2008 to 2010, Linda Davis, Graeme Yager Row 5: Lynn Thompson, Greg Hollander Back Row: Danielle Hollander - Conf Committee Ch 2008 & 2009, Treasure , Scott Thompson, Kirsten Richardson, Debra Finegan
NARM Conference 2010 - New Orleans  Seated from left: Sherri Lokken (Executive Director), Steve Bemis, Melinda Decker (Secretary), Carol Riley, Kandy Davidson (President), Lynn Thompson, Denise Silva. Standing from left: Nancy Shirey, Kirsten Richardson, Debra Finegan, Cyndi Klamp, Danielle Hollander (Vice President), Ron Uhles, Greg Hollander, John Cullen, Karen McMahon, Joe Smith (Member at Large), Scott Thompson, Carol McEvoy, Linda Davis and Mike Silva (Treasurer)
NARM Conference 2011 - St Pete Beach  Seated from left: Kandy Davidson (Past President 2009 to 2011), Sherri Lokken (Executive Director), John Cullen, Carol Riley, Rachel Langston, Denise Silva. Standing from left: Byron Davidson, Carol McEvoy (Vice President/Member-at-Large), Kirsten Richardson, Melinda Decker, Lynn Thompson, Cyndi Clamp (current President 2011 to 2013), Debra Finegan, Mike Silva (Secretary / Treasurer), Greg Hollander
NARM COnference 2012 - San Diego, California  Sitting: Tammy Villanueva (guest), Carol McEvoy, Lynn Thompson, Carol Riley, and Cyndi Clamp. Standing: Sherri Lokken, Kirsten Richardson, Debra Finegan, Michael Silva and Denise Silva.
 Carol McEvoy is on the Board of Directors of NARM (National Association of Reunion Managers) and chairs the Vice President and Member-at-Large positions from 2014 until 2019. As such she organizes and acts as liaison for coordinating the annual meeting and conference, and assists with special assignments by the Board of Directors and chairs the Conference Committee. Carol has been a member in good standing of NARM since April 4, 2005 and has attended annual conferences in 2007 (Texas), 2008 (Savannah), 2009 (Catalina Island), 2010 (New Orleans), 2011 (St Pete Beach), 2012 (San Diego), and virtual conferences in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019.