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Barrington, RI
Bristol, RI
View profile »Judy (Seraikas) McDaniel
Brookline, NH
Barrington, RI
Beverly Hills, CA
Was sort of an odd ball and was teased by a majority of classmates, but still have a few nice memories, minus the bullying and trying to burn down our house when my mom said Barrington was a bunch of Stepford Wives! Oh well, time heals all! Went to 1989 re… more »
View profile »Colleen (Simard) Hunter
Bow, NH
View profile »Ann (Simonetti) Barrett
Foxboro, MA
San Francisco, CA
Wow! Has it really been 30 years since I have walked the halls of BHS and seen most of you?...Impossible : ) I will put Aug 15th down on my calendar and plan on attending the reunion.
For the last 13 years I have lived in San Francisco. However, wi… more »
View profile »Jean (Sirmalis) Castello
Barrington, RI
(800) 965-9020
Fax: (954) 241-5054
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