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Page 24 of 33
View profile »Jayne (Pooler) Johnson
Ridgefield, CT
View profile »Jane (Promades) Tigano
Pawtucket, RI
View profile »Diane (Proulx) Belliveau
Seekonk, MA
I am currently living in Seekonk,MA. I married my wonderful (and handsome) husband Dean in July of 2006 and I have taken on the role of a mom to his three beautiful daughters. Gabby (17) is a senior at Bayview Academy and just finished sending in her top c… more »
Barrington, RI
Oakland, CA
North Haverhill, NH
Hey All! Hope everyone is well. Looking forward to seeing you all in August. Things are awesome. Healthy and happy. Kids doing well. Been teaching for 7 years and have gone back to operations. New position as the Director of Foodservice Operations for a sm… more »
Passed Away - April 13, 1981
Riverside, RI
The pictures are switched...
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