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McLean, VA
Barrington, RI
Its been a very long time......I missed last reunion, so looking forward to seeing folks after 10 years! After 35 years....i think we are officially old people:)

See ya soon - Steve
View profile »Dawn (MacDonald) Blanchard
Rye, NH
Hello everyone! Unfortunately I won't be at the reunion, my youngest son is in a play that weekend.
I have been married to Bob for 17 years, have 4 kids (Tori 16, Coleman 15, Morgan 13 and Liam 8). Knowing how well we behaved in high school has me keepi… more »
Santa Barbara, CA
Unbelievable, thirty years?!! So much has past since I was a Barrington resident, but I have been able to visit quite often and I enjoy seeing familiar sites. I made the 25th but my youngest Connor graduates High School this June and we will not be able t… more »
View profile »Nancy (MacKenzie) Pickar
Cranston, RI
View profile »Susan (Magee) Schofield
Duxbury, MA
Barrington, RI
Passed Away - August 2009
Bloomington, IN
Barrington, RI
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