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Page 17 of 33
View profile »Janet (Leach) McBrien
Amesbury, MA
Hello all,
Can it really be that 3o years have passed? I still want to know what I will be when I grow up! In the interim I have been working in the medical field, and teaching microbiology, as well as raising a family which has been one of the greatest g… more »
View profile »Ruthie (Leavitt ) Weil
Delray Beach, FL
I am a fifth grade teacher at Boca Raton Christian School. I LOVE living in Florida! I have 2 amazing children: Jennie, 18 and David, 16. Both are excellent soccer players, and I'm their biggest fan! I haven't been to RI in so long (over 9 years)....I… more »
Boston, MA
View profile »Kathleen (Lewis) Tyree
Cherry Hills Village, CO
View profile »Cynthia (Lombardi) Borden
Somerset, MA
New Hope, PA
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