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Los Angeles, CA
Cumberland, RI
I currently live in Cumberland, RI with my wife Michelle and two teenage children, Mallory 18 and Ryan 15. The reunion should be a great time. I look forward to seeing everyone in August.
Littleton, CO
Topsfield, MA
Barrington, RI
Hello Everyone! I hope all is well. I am looking forward to getting back in touch with everyone after all these years. I hope that many of you will be at the renunion. I would like to thank Louise Mainella (Paul's wife) for a great job on this website.
View profile »Mary (Hawkins) Carter
Wheeling, WV
I am living in Wheeling, West Virgina. I will be married for 25 years this summer to a really fantastic guy, Mark. I have 2 sons: Adam is 19 and is a sophomore in college and Matthew is 14 and a freshman in high school. I am an 8th grade Intervention Sp… more »
Warwick, RI
Pawtucket, RI
Bristol, RI
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