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View profile »Darlene (Andreozzi) Morris
Barrington, RI
I look forward to seeing all of you at the reunion!! I still live in Barrington with my husband David Morris (also BHS class of '79). We've been married 32 years now and our kids are all grown - Dave (30), Becky (26) and Julia (23). I am working as the … more »
Barrington, RI
I am the husband to a wonderful wife, a father to two beautiful children, and an anal retentive architect with wine issues. Vino is my porn...I cant taste enough, read enough, or talk enough about it. I help moderate a message board at… more »
View profile »Jody (Andrews) David
West Jordan, UT
I seem to always have a huge conflict whenever there is a reunion. I would love to come.My 2nd daughter is getting married and then leaving shortly after to China with her husband to study there.I have 2 daughters married now. My oldest son is about to lea… more »
View profile »Sharon (Arena) Arena-Zanghi
Barrington, RI
View profile »Laureen (Arico) Lewis
Barrington, RI
I am married to Joe Lewis who went to LaSalle and used to play hockey with many of our classmates. I have 2 sons, Joey who just graduated from BHS, and John who is currently a Freshman.
Both are very involved in sports. I am always experiencing fond memo… more »
cranston, RI
View profile »Claire (Banish) Flaherty
Redondo Beach, CA
I ended up taking my senior year at School One in Providence.
Since then I have moved myself to Califronia and have completed a bachelors degree and a Master's Degree in Business/Electroncis. I am married for over 20 years now. I have a 12 year old daugh… more »
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