Columbia Central High School Class of 1988
second grade
Winter Homecoming - Beth and Jill
Fall Homecoming - Tracy, Shana, Kathy (& Bill)
Graduation 1988
Why didn't someone tell me to shave the caterpillar!
On our way to South Padre Island
I've lost most of my pics and no one told me not to tape them in the memory book!
Mock election 1988
GRADUATION DAY BABY!!! Friday June 3, 1988
the class of 1988
boys locker room?!
christmas 1986
Last Class Together - 1988
The Zuch Man!!
Last Day of School, 1988 - Mark
Spring Break 88 - Pete & Ryon
remember these cats?
"Locked and Loaded"
Picture my parents took at Graduation.
(Click on an image to view at full size.)