Ellensburg High School Class of 1963
Pep Club marching down Pearl Street in the Rodeo Parade 1962
Rodeo Grounds (Apr 1999)
Pat Pettit now Sindhuma Ishaya)
Rodeo Grounds (Apr 2002)
Ellensburg Bull (Apr 2002)
(VERY OLD) 1stPresby_Church-(E-burg,WA)
Mrs. Smith's 4th grade class at Washington School-I'm 6th from the left in front row. I have all the names in case anyone wants to know who everyone is.
9th Grade Frolic, Morgan Jr High, 1960
HiKords of EHS, 1963
Mr. Auty's 6th grade class, 1957
Mr. Carr's 5th grade class, 1955
6th-Grade class-Mrs Bettas-(1957)
Skating Party (7th Grade)
2nd_Grade - Miss_Luman-(Wash.Elementary)
3rd_Grade - Mrs_Ledum-(Wash.Elementary)
Mr. Mataya's 5th grade, Lincoln Elementary, a long time ago.
Mrs. Sorenson, 3d grade about 55 years ago!
Mrs. Sorenson, 4th grade
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