Ellensburg High School Class of 1963
After All These Years!

I grew up in Ellensburg and attended Washington Elementary from

Kindergarten through 4th grade. I never forgot most of those growing up years. Even though I did not graduate with you all, I still remember a good many of you and hope to see those of you who remember me at your 50th. It has been fun reading the entries on this iste.
Janey Olsen Funston

Janey Olsen
Still the same!

Isn't it refreshing to note Tim Weaver is still the same?   And the story about those cross country trips by  the John's  and their adventures, I need to know more!  Is anyone else getting hit with the realization that we look old to the college aged crowd?   Why do they treat us like we are stupid?  Don't even think of calling me honey!!  I am riding my wonderful five horses still, having put many miles on them in Arizona last winter.  Finally found out who I am in this menopausal condition, and carry a gun, so don't -iss me off!!  See ya-all at the reunion.  Barbara

Barbara McGrew
Hello from

Hi all,

I'm still in "O Hell Hole"--Othello, WA and still chasing after potato growers, fields and storages for JR Simplot Co.  So keep on eating the french fries so my retirement won't be zero by the time I retire in 2010, give or take a year, IF I last that long.  Sure don't want to do all the honey do's my wife has lined up for me, so anyone know of a part time job to keep me busy in the AG field? Have three grandsons and two of them will keep me busy with hunting and four wheeling.  Just back from bear hunting, saw no bear but sure got a sore ass from the four wheeler.  Hope to see you at the reunion...Len 

Leonard W. Bland

Although I'm unable to be there with you all for this one, hopefully retirement plans will allow me to make the next one.

Work schedule won't allow time for a trip to Wash. in Sept. since I live and work in Monterrey , Mex. and just can't get away then.  No, I'm not wasting away in Marguaritaville--I really am working.

Hope you all have a great time at the reunion !!  I'll look forward to seeing the Directory.

Hal Brondt

Hal Brondt
Story from EHS

I should have looked in the books more than looking at a case of beer.

Larry Meilander
Some things never change

Even after 45 years paul hartman still has the same repertoire of groaners ,gregory still has a big ol grin on his face and Dawn looks like she's about 12. I don't have a picture, but if you go to the photo album and look in the second row of mrs smith's class, you'll see me and I haven't changed much since then. I just had an e-mail exchange with dennis Borgstal which was really cool. Hopefully a lot of folks who haven't come for a while-or never -will show up. I have been bugging poffenroth to make an appearance but who knows. He must still have some e'burg feeling as his e-mail is pony@EHS63. See you all there.

tim weaver
OK, let's get this started

Last year I moved from near Buffalo, NY, back to the great Northwest. On one of my trips John Ruebel came to Buffalo and we drove to Cape Cod to meet Al Burrage. While there, Al discovered the wonderful properties of Rang Pur gin (but that is a whole other story). Anyway, after John and I left Al, we went to the end of I-90 in Boston and did a road trip West covering I-90 from coast to coast (but that's another story, too).
What I'm leading up to, is that during my packing for the move I ran across an old Metzger map of the Kittitas County as it was when we were in High School. Before freeways, new additions, interchanges, etc. I'm considering displaying it at the reunion so that you can try to figure out which road in which part of the county you went to with your date after the game, or the movie, or just when you could get away from home and find someplace to pick up KJR. (If Ruth Argall was still alive, she would have a stroke over that sentence. Sorry, Ruth)
So, do any of you think you can remember that far back to those "meaningful moments?"

Jon Hiner
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