Fresno High Class of 1997-1998
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Getting together at hometown don't look so good......

Well everything is set up but only a handful people say they are going.  If you still want to go tomorrow let me know by tomorrow please email me to find out  more information by tonight whether or not it will be cancelled. 


CLASS OF 97 would you like to come hang out with 98

I did hear about all the reunions that 97 has had and class of 98 has not had 1 because someone from our class has to plan and they attempted but not enough people attending. I said what the heck let class of 98 meet at hometown for dinner and hanging out and everyone pay for themselves and it seems to be working out  since everything is set in the banquet room. 

It was intended for class of 98 however I have put the ok for 97 as well as long as I get a head count before the 12th we will be ok.  So if you were wanted to attend and your class of 97 it would be great and if you would like to send the word out to 97 that's fine too

Leanne ~

Leanne Moreno

Sorry about the confusion I'm trying to set this up and fast lol ok heres the real deal:

Well, I called today and so far it all looks good. I just have to get the word out if you know anyone pass it along ok. WE ARE SET FOR THE 24TH OF SEPTEMBER AT 6PM @ Hometown Buffet in Clovis. Hope to see you there.  Please let me know if you are attending and how many are attending with you by the 8th so that hometown can have a headcount? Thanks CLASS OF 98.



Leanne Moreno

To class of 98 and 97,

Since the reunion is cancelled and everyone was looking foward to going and seeing each other, anybody up to meeting at Hometown buffet (they have a banquet room) and just hanging out there? Bring the immediate family and we can all pay for our own and just catch up on things.  Well, let me know so I can call and rent the room also, to let them know a large group will be coming.  Email me at

Leanne Moreno
Just a little message.........

I figured I'd finally say:

To those who were my true friends thanks and til this day we remain really good friends. To those who did not know me~ I was really a fun, silly, happy, crazy person who was friends with any and everyone.  And last but not least, how could I forget those who gave me a hard time all 4 years of high school and I'm sure you know who you are~All I have to say is forgiven but not forgotten.  I just hope you have grown up since then. You've had 10 years to do it in. LOL.  Anyhow, I had a blast in High school and wish I could be at the reunion this year but,  I hope to see everyone at the next one!  TAKE CARE. Best wishes!

Leanne Moreno
Wishing EVERYONE the best!!!
Hope that this message finds everyone fruitful in life, love and laughter!! I wish I could be there to see everyone at the reunion...and find out how all of our lives have progressed! Unfortunately, I will be unable to attend for a "good" reason!! I need positive thoughts from anyone and everyone because I am opening my first restaurant September if you are ever in Santa Barbara...please look up the Museum Cafe...and come sit, chat, get a huge hug and amazing food and pass along love from so many years!! Love love!!
Emily Stuart
yeah about this......
I'm more or less down. don't care for the no-host bar at $73.00 per. We'll see.
Thomas Lake