McCullough High School Class of 1987 20 Year Reunion
Pictures and Stories
Prom 20 years later!?! LOL

Teresa Bennett and Scott Holland - thanks for being a great prom date 20 years ago...

Teresa Bennett Lum
Say Cheese!!!
Melissa Clark, Margien Nieto, Kristi Tahu
Teresa Bennett Lum
Grils just wanna' have fun!
Laura Miller, Ericka Barnes, Lisa Barnes, Teresa Bennett
Teresa Bennett Lum
Mt. Joy, Tracey and Stacee
Greg, Tracey and Stacee
Teresa Bennett Lum
Bill, Lisa and Karen

Craig McGregor, (Cherry"s husband),Bill Peris, Lisa Barnes, Henry Rogers (Karen's husband) and Karen Dennis

Teresa Bennett Lum
Hangin Out
Colleen, Margie, Erica, Bill, Adriana, Roxanna, and Andy Lewis
Teresa Bennett Lum
Cherry and Lisa
Cherry Porter and Lisa Barnes
Teresa Bennett Lum
The night is young!
Kristie, vanessa, Lorri, Kim, Dee
kim Pelton
Colleen, Lorri, Kim, Jennifer, Vanessa
kim Pelton

Melissa & Kim

Love you girl!!!

kim Pelton

From top left:

Dee,Monica,Debbie,Lorri,Jennifer,Melissa, Kim

kim Pelton
Fun at Papa's!
So great to see everyone!
Posted by kim Pelton
kim Pelton
I am sorry I missed all of the fun but I am out of town working in sunny Florida.
Posted by Darrell Cooke
Darrell Cooke
Hi All!! It was soooo Great seeing everyone!! I cant believe how super everyone looked!!! I had such a blast and loved catching up with you guys~ Hopefully we'll do another casual one in 5 years! Mike Wylie and I were chatting about how incredibly lucky we were to be in The Woodlands and at McCullough at the time we were and what a truly special class we had/have!! I couldn't agree more!! Best Wishes to you all~  Laura.Posted by Laura Miller
Laura Miller
Sorry I missed everyone

I was really hoping to see all of you, but my oldest daughter "Brittany" graduated from Navy Boot Camp that weekend. So we were off to Great Lakes, Il to be there"Hadn't seen her in 2 1/2 mo". I cried half of the graduation, and half the way home on Sunday. She is a Hospital Corp Man "woman" Dental Asst. Hope everyone had a great time.

Deanna (Lane) Corbett

Deanna Lane
It was a beautiful day!!!
Ericka Harvey
Abby Jealous and family.
Ericka Harvey
Terry with his daughters!!! One looks like you and the other like Cindy!! Both beautiful.  Great seeing you!

Ericka Harvey
Jay Pugh and family...
staying cool in the shade!!! Good seeing you!

Ericka Harvey
Thompson, Jason, Bill
Chillin' at the park!
Ericka Harvey
The Green's
just getting to the picnic...
Ericka Harvey
Thompson and Kimmy's daughter
I love this picture! I'll send it to you! Great seeing you guys!!!

Ericka Harvey
Meet the Robinson's...
Dan, Kelly and kids just getting to the park.
Ericka Harvey
Dan and Kelly's children.
Ericka Harvey
Roxana with two of her boys.
Ericka Harvey
Mike and Matt
mmmm which one lives in California??? :)  Great seeing you Mike.  Hope you aren't being affected by the wild fires!!! Matt, fun hanging  with ya and catching up! Just because we don't live in Cali, doesn't mean we can't surf... Although my "urban surfing" is a bit rusty...and yours! Next time I'm in town maybe...haha

Ericka Harvey
Melissa,Vanessa, and Claudette
"girls just want to have fun"...
Ericka Harvey
I guess that's a wrap! :)

Good seeing you again.  I had fun on the committee. Especially conference calls while shopping in the mall!!!

Ericka Harvey
Danny and Rachel
catching up...
Ericka Harvey
At Landry's
catching up!
Ericka Harvey
Pat and Jeff
Looking good guys!!! :)   Nice seeing you and catching up!

Ericka Harvey
Lisa and Beth
say cheese!!! It was fun seeing you both!

Ericka Harvey
Rachel and Tanya
at Landry's
Ericka Harvey
At Landry's
reunion night
Ericka Harvey
Hi everyone
I am very sorry to have missed the great party. Unfortunately the distance Germany/USA is quite big for just a weekend. My kids had school and their Fallbreack was already over.
Maybe next time! I am looking forward to see the pictures.
If you have Darryl Smith email or address, I would very much appreciate it if you could let me know where he is. I have tried to find him for so long. I have noticed that he is no longer on the "Missing classmates list". It would be great!
Thanks and take care,
Jacqueline Köhn (Brunner)
Would love to see pictures.
I would love to see more pictures of the reunion.  Was hoping to make it my hubby, Troy (class of 88) even made it back from his remote in Korea in time.  Unfortunately I was diagnosed with breast cancer on the 1st of Oct. so things were way too up in the air to come to the reunion.  I wish we could have made it.  We even made it into town in time but wasn't really feeling up to going.  Sorry we missed it but would love to see pictures and hear the great stories!Posted by Kelly (Danz) Harrod
Kelly (Danz) Harrod
Kelly and Rachel
Catching up...

By the way, I am posting some pics that were from me and some from others who sent them my way!

Thanks for all the photos! Gotta run but will post more later! I even have some from the picnic...

Ericka Harvey
Lorraine, Lisa, Colleen
Catching up...
Ericka Harvey
My Posse!!! :)
It was fun hanging with you all.  I'm glad we finally danced!....I think...that may come back to haunt us though...Colleen, no blackmailing us with that video now...haha
Ericka Harvey
Me and My Sis!!! Tommy B's
Mandy and Ericka!

Mandy is my way younger ,but way taller sister! :) Thanks for being my date for the weekend!!!

Love you and miss you!
Ericka Harvey
Tommy B's
Kelly, Roxana, and Laura!
Ericka Harvey
Friday at Tommy Bahama's
Laura, Brandi, Kristin...yes we all went to Baker's St., then Tommy's and as you will see in a moment, Papa's Ice House!!!

Miss you guys already!!
Ericka Harvey
Friday at Baker's St. Pub
Katie, Billy and Alisa
Ericka Harvey
Friends for life.
Friends for life.
Crazy Girls
Crazy Girls
I am dying to see what I missed!

I would love to see pics of the reunion.  I am so bummed I missed it, but I was caring for my brand new baby!

Posted by Christine (Podeyn) Poteet
Christine (Podeyn) Poteet

Make sure you put any pictures or stories you have from the Reunion weekend here! It will be fun to see all of the pictures we took.