20-Year Reunion Photo Montage Upload
Post your images from high school, your family, and your classmates using the upload form on this page. Photos which are posted on this page are eligible to be included in the photo montage shown at the reunion. Photos must be uploaded at least two weeks prior to the reunion in order to be included in the montage.
1994 Audrey, Amber & Mindy
Senior Year
Senior Year
Chris & Matt 1995
Ryan, Amber, Matt & Mike 1995
Sr. Trip Mexico
Sr Trip Mexico, Mike & Andy
Valentines Dance 1996-97
Weiser Family
Jr. Prom
The Moore Family
Mitchell Fam
Melisaratos Family
Our 20th wedding anniversary ❤️
The McCarty Clan
Monaco Family
Moschel (Gratz) team
Senior Picnic
Senior Picnic
Senior breakfast
Kelli (Grimshaw) White's Family
Twins born Dec. 2016
Wacinski family (Heather sammons and chris wacinski)
This was before high school
I wish I could of made it. But as soon as I get some "free time" I am definitely coming out there. So thanks a lot stupid small town jobs.B it if u ever come 2 Missouri...look up this place. It's called Red Oak and it's near Carthage. This 80 yr old man has a town and it is so awesome. I he adds to it each time I go through. Thought this was a funny picture, there is also the Dillinger brothers house and a church u can get married in and a brass water fountain. I really think every1 should see how amazing t
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