COOKBOOKS - $23. Make check payable to the RCAA.
Scroll down this page to find Steve Root's address.
Meetings are typcially held on Monday evenings. The group either meets at a Hennepin County Library or holds an on-line meeting. Alumni are invited to attend/call into meetings.
Jan. 12 Annual meeting starts at 10:00 am. Rockford Road Library. All alumni are welcome to attend.
April 21 Working Session. Topics - fundraising and connecting to Cooper students. Library location to be determined.
April, date to be determine: Classes holding reunions in 2018 are invited to view the items that the Cooper Archives loans out for class reunions. Archival materials include photos, scrapbooks, bound copies of the Hawk's Quill and trophpies. Party items include centerpieces, votive candle holders and decorations.
March 19 Regular Meeting. Online, 6:00 pm. Connecting to Cooper students and Fundraising.
Feb. 26 2017 Annual Meeting, Rockford Road Library. All alumni welcomed. Voting to fill 3 seats. Review the 2017 goals and set the 2018 goals.
January 22 Regular Meeting. Online, 6:00 pm.
Dec. 18 Regular Meeting, online. Set agenda for the 2017 Annual Meeting to be held Jan. 22, 2018.
November No meeting. Connect with Cooper students at Cooper. Annual update to Alumni.
October Regular Meeting.
Sept. 11 Regular Meeting. Connecting to Cooper students and the Classes of '15, '16 and '17. Fundraising, Presence at September and October reunions.
July 17 No meeting, Cooper Principal Frank Herman and Athletic Director John Oelfke. Annual update.
Aug. 21 No meeting. Annual update to the School Board. Attend the Listening Session.
Sept. 11 Regular Meeting. Connecting to Cooper students and the Classes of '15, '16 and '17. Fundraising, Presence at September and October reunions.
Aug. 21 No meeting. Annual update to the School Board. Attend the Listening Session.
July 17 No Meeting; Annual Update to Cooper Principal Frank Herman and A.D. John Oelfke.
July 10 Regular Meeting, online. Bulk mail permit, logo, Distinguished Alumni Award nominations form, Cooper contact email list, accepting credit card payments at reunion using square.
June 19 Regular Meeting, Golden Valley Library. Email list, fund raising.
May 22 Regular Meeting, Rockford Road Library. RCAA's support for alumni planning their class reunion.
April 24 Regular Meeting, Plymouth Library. Mark Pruhs RHS '71, Archives.
Feb. 13 Regular Meeting, online. Regular business meeting.
Jan. 9 Regular Meeting, online. Discuss ways to connect and honor Cooper veterans.
Dec. 12. 6:00 pm online.
Nov. 14. 6:00 pm. Rockford Road Library.
Oct. 17. Annual Board Meeting, Brooklyn Park Library. All alumni welcomed. Voting to fill 3 seats. Set 2018 goals.
Jim Vincint Gambone, Ph.D. to talk about Building Community Through Intergenerational Dialouge. We want to figure out an activity that will make connections with the incoming 9th graders and become an annual event.
Sept. 19. 6:00 pm at the Maple Grove Library, Room 133.
Agenda: Committee Reports and Archives Update. Discussion: How the RCAA can assist alumni with Class Reunions.
August - No Meeting. First RCAA Update to the School Board. Attend the Listenting Session.
The RCAA's purpose is to support Cooper's educational mission. We ask alumni to contact the RCAA if they would like to donate these items: bringing any of these items;
Black slacks and white shirts and white blouses. Will be used by members of Cooper's choirs.
New or used sweater shirts all sizes. Greatest need is for small sizes.
Personal Hygiene items to stock Kody's Closet.
New or gently used white dress shirts, ties and vest to support the football team's Dress for Success program.
~ ~ ~ Thank you to Randy Feld '80 for his services to the RCAA. Randy is a partner at the Boyum and Barenscheer CPAs. ~ ~ ~