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Events! Friday, June 24 & Saturday, June 25

Instead of renting an expensive venue and catering, it was decided to make our 30th FREE!  

Donations would be greatly appreciated though and will help us purchase an array of meat & cheese boards and hors d'oeuvres as well as cover miscellaneous purchases. Donate Now  (A new browser window will open)

Friday Evening - Reunion Kick Off

Come to Lou’s for an informal meet and catch up!  While engaging with your old classmates, get a bite to eat & something to drink! 

Lou's Charcuterie Boards will introduce your palate to texture and flavor that curing, smoking and brining the meat has revitalized. Served with fine cheeses, marinated vegetables, and bread, these boards encourage you to play with your food! We also offer a variety of sandwiches made in house and vintage spirits for your enjoyment.

Lou's Charcuteria
220 S Commerce, Wichita, KS
Friday, June 24, 2016 at 4:00 PM
To view the location's website, click here
Cancelled!!! Saturday Morning - Visit the NEW Southeast

Event cancelled - note from Leroy:

Hey classmates that are attending this weekend I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I regretfully have to inform you all tha the superintendent has KILLED our tours scheduled for saturday due to the budget constraints. There is a long story but the bottom line is that with our budget being in the shitter and the need for the district to conserve energy and save money, he will not allow us to enter the old building. Sorry. I would say that you could blame our governor but that might set off a slew of political posts that I quite frankly don't give a shit about. The other side note is that legally the district does not own the new buildiing, the contractor does until it is complete. 

New Southeast Highschool
Pawnee & 127th St E, Wichita, KS 67230
Saturday, June 25, 2016 at 8:00 AM
Leroy Parks
Event Cancelled - Visit OUR Southeast High before it closes

Event cancelled - note from Leroy:

Hey classmates that are attending this weekend I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I regretfully have to inform you all tha the superintendent has KILLED our tours scheduled for saturday due to the budget constraints. There is a long story but the bottom line is that with our budget being in the shitter and the need for the district to conserve energy and save money, he will not allow us to enter the old building. Sorry. I would say that you could blame our governor but that might set off a slew of political posts that I quite frankly don't give a shit about. The other side note is that legally the district does not own the new buildiing, the contractor does until it is complete. 


Saturday Evening - Informal Dinner @ Joe's

Beginning at 7pm, join all your old friends to share memories, eat, and drink!  Watch Gold Dust video's and enjoy all your favorite 80's songs - and maybe get some Karaoke going! 

Joes Old Town Bar and Grill
222 N Washington, Wichita, KS 67202
Saturday, June 25, 2016 at 4:00 PM
(800) 965-9020
Fax: (954) 241-5054
Copyright © ClassQUEST Corp