Miami Sunset Senior High
Class of 1986
Knights 1986 Message Board

Here's your chance to send a shout-out tout to your classmates. Post a message and let everyone know what you've been up to, tell everyone about your business, express your excitement about the upcoming reunion. Have a great time!

Add a message of your own!
Wish I could be there!

Hi there all my fellow 1986ers! I wanted so badly to attend out 30th this year. However, my oldest child, who is 18, just started college. He is four hours east of me, in Williamsburg, VA at the College of William and Mary. He is making me proud by already starting with one full year of credits. He plans to be an attorney! My 17 year old daughter is a senior this year. She will attend college too, but we aren't sure where yet! She wants to be a forensic physiologist! I am one proud mom. Unfortunately for me, our reunion and his very first college play (that he is in) is the same exact weekend!!!

I would love to talk with any and all through Facebook or my email is

Have a great time Knights!!!


Heather Gillespie Alvarez



Heather Alvarez
I wish I could be there....

Hey Fellow Knights!

I wish that I could attend the 30th. I was so hyped about going until unfortunately, I was hit by a major company lay off. That took over having to corners and forgo what would have been a chance of a life time. I remember so many of you with love and I wish you all the best. Cheers to the best Class Sunset High ever had!

God bless each and everyone of you, Class of '86!

Adriana Bustamante

Adriana Bustamante
(800) 965-9020
Fax: (954) 241-5054
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