We will never forget...

Information about classmates who have passed away comes from a variety of sources. We do our very best to confirm this information.

If you see a name on this list that does not belong here, please click on the Contact Us link to the left and let us know. Likewise, if you are aware of a classmate who needs to be added to this list, be sure to notify us in the same manner of this information.

If you are curious about a classmate (or friend or family member), check out Legacy.com.

Jeff Baron
Roy Barry
Brian Beers
Tim Bennett
Richard Blackwelder
Steven Busch
James Carskadon
Michael Chappell
James Clemons Simpson
Mark Connelly
Jeffrey Coulter
Mark Craft
John Duarte
George Foote
George Garrison
Frankie Harrison
Loren Hoadley
Vicki Husbands
Michelle Keating Haas
William King
Tim Korizon
Sonny Lankford
Christian Miranda
Karen Moran
Walter Morrow
Douglas Noyes
Joanne Rich Kalbaugh
John Shull
Delores Tokarsky
Ben Upton
Alice Webb Butler
Peggy Wesstcoat
Dennis Phelan
Jan WEINBERG Boulerice
Norman Andreason

Norman Andreasen passed away April 13, 2009 in New Smyrna Beach, Fl.

Randall Condra

Passed away October 10, 2008.

Willie Sander
(800) 965-9020
Fax: (954) 241-5054
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